COVID Monitor Pilot Project

The COVID Monitor pilot project is a SWSPHN (PHN) commissioned model to support practice nurses in primary care to provide telehealth monitoring for COVID positive patients across South Western Sydney (Bankstown, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Liverpool, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee LGAs) as part of PHNs COVID-19 Response. The project also includes following up patients in a Patient Reported Measures trial in relation to Long COVID using the Agency of Clinical Innovation’s HOPE platform. The project was initially commissioned to run for 6 months with 5 Keystone practices participating and proceeded to be extended for another 6 months with 4 participating practices running until April 2023.

Published by Michael Tam

Dr Michael Tam is a clinical academic Specialist General Practitioner, combining the provision of family medicine, research, health services development, and governance. Michael’s clinical interest is in the whole-person primary care of people living with mental illness. He is actively involved in mental health policy, strategy, and governance, with local, state, and national bodies. Michael’s research is in integrated care and preventive care in general practice. He has expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

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